Roundtable Workshop for Cabinet Secretaries
Using Evidence to Improve Cabinet Decision-Making
3-7 February 2014, Hilton Hotel, Addis Ababa
Workshop Documents
- Agenda of the workshop
- Presentations:
- a. Introduction to the Africa Cabinet Government Network and the workshop
- b. Why evidence-informed Cabinet decision-making?
- c. The challenges of achieving evidence-informed Cabinet decisions
- d. New Cabinet procedures to support evidence-based decisions in Sierra Leone
- e. Effective use of Cabinet Committees in South Sudan
- f. Role of Cabinet Secretary as Liaison between President and Ministers: the Liberian Experience
- g. How Cabinet Secretaries can help with management of Cabinet meetings
- h. The role of Cabinet Secretariats in Policy Development
- i. Building Policy Capacity in the Public Service
- Presentation support documents:
- Cabinet documents:
- a. Republic of South Sudan: National Council of Ministers’ Rules and Procedures Handbook (2011)
- b. The Republic of Uganda: The Cabinet Handbook (revised 2012)
- c. The Republic of Uganda: Guide to Policy Development & Management (2013)
- d. Report on the Assessment of Policy Capacity in the Uganda Public Service (2013)
- e. Republic of Ghana: Cabinet Memorandum Manual (June 2007)